SBTengine® Software

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What is SBTengine?

SBTengine is a dedicated typing software package for the high-resolution identification of HLA alleles by Sanger sequencing-based typing (SBT).

The software is intended for in vitro diagnostic use by professional users in diagnostic laboratories, such as laboratory technicians and physicians, trained in HLA-typing and DNA sequencing.

SBTengine supports fast and accurate analysis of HLA class I (A, B and C) and class II (DR, DP and DQ) loci, but can also be utilized for other polymorphic gene systems including minor histocompatibility antigens: DLA, KIR, MICA, MICB, CAJA, MAFA, MAMU and PATR.

What are the system requirements of SBTengine?

System requirements:

Minimum System Requirements

  • Windows 10
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 500MB free disk space*
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2. (included in latest Windows updates)

Recommended System Requirements

  • Windows 10
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Internet connection for license validation and updates
  • 500 MB free disk space*
  • Microsoft .NET framework 4.7.2. (included in latest Windows updates)

* Disk space is for installation only. The sequencing data can take up several GBs.

Can I install the software on a Mac OS rather than on a PC?

We do not support the use of SBTengine on a Mac OS. However, it may be possible to run the software on a Mac OS if you are using a Windows virtual machine.

What kind of SBTengine licenses do you offer?

We offer standard and premium versions of SBTengine. The standard version includes 1 year of updates and support. The premium version includes 5 years of updates and support. After these periods, additional update packages can be purchased.

How often is SBTengine updated?

SBT-engine is updated every 4-6 months. Every update includes the latest IMGT database, updated allele frequency tables, and new software features.

What is the latest version of SBTengine?

The latest version is 3.41.0

IMGT/HLA release 3.56.0

You can check your version by clicking <Help> and <About>


How can I install SBTengine updates on my computer?

You can download updates from our website.

Click “SBTengine Software Download”. Then, click on the download link (.msi file).

Is there a manual of the SBTengine software?

The SBTengine Instructions for Use (IFU) can be downloaded from the product page, downloads section. The IFU gives a brief introduction of the SBTengine workflow, from importing data to generating a typing report.

There is also an extensive Help section in SBTengine itself, which can be found on the Glossary tab.

You can also request an online software demo or join our teaching session at EFI or ASHI for an advanced course in HLA typing with SBTengine.