Is it possible to add an additional donor to an already typed recipient-donor combination?

To add additional Donor samples to an already existing Recipient-file you have to do the following:

1.    Select the existing recipient name from the dropdown-menu on the top left of KMRengine
2.    In the left-hand column the original sample and donor(s) will be displayed.
3.    In this same column select the orange  ‘plus ’ symbol marked ‘Add Donor’ to register details about the new donor.
4.    After filling in the details you can select KMRtype, only the additional Donor will be placed on the experimental plate.
5.    Type the additional donor with qPCR.
6.    Import the file from the qPCR machine into KMRengine.
7.    At this point KMRengine should recognise that the imported data belongs to a donor sample associated with your already existing recipient sample, and should call informative markers for the new recipient-donor combination.
8.    To use the Donor for a tracking experiment, select the recipient name from the dropdown-menu again, the donor data should be added to your tracking options.